

discord server

Autonity Node Operation Guide


  • Register for Autonity
  • Create a wallet private key (recommended for secondary accounts)

Account Registration#

Open the registration link and fill in the registration information. The content of SIGNATURE is obtained by signing the following content using the private key.
I have read and agree to comply with the Piccadilly Circus Games Competition Terms and Conditions published on IPFS with CID QmVghJVoWkFPtMBUcCiqs7Utydgkfe19wkLunhS5t57yEu

Sign Message#

Open etherScan


Connect the wallet to etherScan and paste the message to be signed, then click Sign Message


Click confirm on the wallet pop-up


Finally, fill in the Signature Hash in the SIGNATURE field of the registration form


After completing the registration, you will receive a confirmation email in your inbox, and the official team will automatically send 1 NTN, 1 ATN, and 1000000 USD to your registered wallet for participating in the game.


Running a Node#

Server Configuration#

RequirementMinimum ConfigurationRecommended Configuration
OSUbuntu 20.04 LTSUbuntu 20.04 LTS
CPU3.10 GHz with 8 CPUs3.10 GHz with 16 CPUs
Storage1024GB free storage for full nodes and Validators1024 GB free storage for full nodes and validators
Network interface200 Mbit/s200 Mbit/s

There are 3 ways to run a node:

Below, we will focus on the one-click script method.

Remote into your Ubuntu server and execute the following commands:

chmod +x

The output will be as shown in the image below. Enter 1 and press Enter to proceed with the automated installation.


View Node Information#

After successful installation, make sure to save the node's private key information.

Run the script and enter 7 to view the node's information:



Important information to note is the admin_enode and Node key. Save these two fields as they will be used during the Register Node RPC step.

View Node Private Key#

echo $(head -c 64 /data/autonity-chaindata/autonity/autonitykeys)

The content you input is the node's private key (generated by the node when running, different from the private key used during registration). Save this private key and import it into the Metamask wallet.

Register Node#

Open the registration website

  • USERNAME: Your Autonity username
  • PASSWORD: Your Autonity password
  • ENODE OF YOUR RPC NODE: Enter the admin_enode from step 3.1
  • SIGNATURE OF MESSAGE "PUBLIC RPC": Enter the content signed with the node's private key for "public rpc". Refer to sections 2.1 and 3.2 for signing instructions.
  • RPC NODE ENDPOINT: Enter your server's IP address with port 8545 and http://
  • WHICH GEOGRAPHICAL REGION IS YOUR NODE LOCATED IN?: Select the server's geographical region
  • HOSTING: Select your server provider, choose "other" if not listed

After filling in the above information, submit the form. You will receive a registration confirmation email in your inbox.


With this, the node setup and registration process is complete.


Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.